Thursday, January 2, 2020

Free Essay: Accidents at Home 414 Words

Ladders, step stools, stairs, shower stalls and chairs are just some of ways people fall in their home. If you ever have children or grandchildren in your home, protect their fingers from being harmed by a closing door with these durable foam Finger Guards! It is recommended to install them on all doors that children may be opening and closing.

According to the last available data, cooking causes 172,900 household fires, and it accounts for 49% of all reported home fires in the US. Cooking fires are also responsible for 21% of home fire deaths and 44% of injuries. Fires in the kitchen are considered one of the most common kitchen accidents, and the numbers are increasing around holidays. The pandemic has also affected the growth of kitchen fires since people are inside and cooking more.

Avocado hand injury sends 24 people to the ER every day

Shelly is a wife, mama, and author, living in Lynchburg, Tennessee - home of Jack Daniel Whiskey. Her front porch is perfect for Tennessee Apple or Tennessee Fire while reading a good mystery novel. She enjoys cooking delicious meals for her family, cleaning and organizing her home, and spending time outdoors on their little 5-acre homestead. Accidents are part of life, and it’s something that you can’t always control. Luck has a funny way of playing a part, and it could just be something that you missed, or someone else did.

accidents that can happen at home

In the winter, carbon monoxide poisoning can result from keeping gas grills or heaters inside, or because a gas furnace malfunctions. Adults frequently suffer cuts while shaving or cooking, though household repairs are also common instances. Children’s cuts often stem from everyday accidents, though exposure to dangerous utensils is common as well. When children start to move around on their own, there is an increased danger of them pulling objects down on top of themselves. Being conscious of your kids' health means making sure any trailing electrical leads, tablecloth edges and dish towels are out of reach in order to help prevent accidents happening. Most poisoning accidents involve medications, cleaning products, and cosmetics that we usually have in our homes.

Injuries from domestic abuse

When it comes to other most common accidental deaths outside the house but within real estate lines, about 100 people were killed by a power lawnmower. Blenders, boiling liquids, sinks in close proximity to cords and outlets. With all of these hazards confined to a single space, it seems obvious that the kitchen would be the most dangerous room in the home. When it comes to the most common household injuries, kitchen-related injuries rank surprisingly low. The dangers are lurking both inside and outside of the home.

accidents that can happen at home

According to the home accident stats, this makes elderly and children a vulnerable category that should be supervised while using the bathroom. The most common injuries in the kitchen are finger lacerations and finger avulsions because of the improper use of sharp knives. Tableware made 90,577 people visit the ER for finger lacerations and upper torso burns. Kitchen injuries statistics also list bottles and jars, refrigerators, ovens, cookware, dishwashers, and many other kitchen tools as hazardous.

Scary Home Accident Stats to Make You Careful

Sadly, product instability is still a leading cause of household injuries. Probably the worst accident that might occur at home is poisoning. You can get poisoning through expired medicines, harmful chemicals used for cleaning, or even cosmetics. If you have children at home, make sure to keep such things out of reach. We have all had some kitchen disasters that have led to painful burns and scars. Always run cold water over your burns and wrap it in cling wrap to keep it clean and away from dust particles.

accidents that can happen at home

You can help prevent trips and falls by making sure things get picked up off the floor, that cords are not running along the floor, and by making sure carpets are tacked down. While age is the biggest risk factor in household falls, it’s not the only one. Other factors that increase household falls include poverty, overcrowded housing, medical conditions such as neurological issues, and alcohol and substance abuse.

Food preparation can often lead to accidents if you’re not concentrating on the task. Your house is likely to feel like a safe, welcoming place where you can escape the anxieties of the outer world. And while it’s a good thing that your home feels protected, it’s worth remembering that accidents can still happen.

Getting out of bed can be deadly when people are intoxicated or dizzy. 10,200 people died due to accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed, and this issue is more likely to be present among elderly and children. Babies are especially in danger due to inadequate cribs or beds for sleeping. Kitchen appliances can be the cause of accidental death.

Who's at risk

If an accident does occur, though, it's vital to know what to do. Bruises - Small falls or banging into furniture can lead to painful bruising. Applying a cold compress, like a pack of frozen peas, can help reduce swelling.

accidents that can happen at home

According to home accident stats, poisoning is a fatal home accident. Falling, choking, drowning, and burns due to fire are right after poisoning. Reading the following stats will make you think that even sitting on a toilet is dangerous. While your home has some hazards that might be life-threatening, you’re more likely to get injured than die. There are plenty of accidents in your home, but by knowing the dangers and some basic safety tips you should be prepared to avoid them.

And if you enjoyed the article, help us spread the word by tweeting and sharing it with your friends. There should be sufficient space between sitting and resting furniture to move freely. Keep the upholstery clean and free from loose and torn parts. Secondly, scan for any objects nearby that can harm you.

accidents that can happen at home

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