Thursday, January 2, 2020

The 6 Most Common Accidents to Happen in the Home​

While there is nothing that you can do to totally prevents them, many accidents can be avoided with a few safety precautions. Most poisoning incidents involve medicines, household products and cosmetics around the house. It is important, therefore, to keep anything that might be dangerous if swallowed well out of reach of children as an essential part of first aid in the home. Any burn should be held under cold running water for ten minutes and then assessed.

accidents that can happen at home

If an accident does occur, though, it's vital to know what to do. Bruises - Small falls or banging into furniture can lead to painful bruising. Applying a cold compress, like a pack of frozen peas, can help reduce swelling.

What are common accidents?

Accidental injuries are the most common cause of death in children over one year of age. Use only manufacturer recommended accessories and spare parts for the gadgets and appliances in the living room. If DIY is not possible, you can call the qualified technical person (though it may mean spending a few more $s). Identification of risks is the first step to learn how to avoid accidents at home.

accidents that can happen at home

That’s why it’s essential to be aware of home safety for older adults and remodel the house as much as possible. For example, first-floor bathrooms with proper safety handles, fire alarms, and proper flooring can minimize the risks of falls and other injuries. Since the elderly population is at high risk of household injuries, chances are they’ll need more supervision. Unfortunately, many family members have to leave their elderly alone while at work, but there’s a way to prevent injuries and exclude a loved one from household accidents statistics.

Where do Most Accidents Occur in the Home?

If you cannot dislodge the object promptly, then call 999 immediately. A sprain is when a ligament, which connects parts of a joint, is stretched, twisted or torn. Knees, ankles and wrists are the most common parts of the body affected. If this occurs, apply an ice pack from your first aid kit, rest the affected area and give it time to heal. We'll share tips on healthy eating, ways to improve your mental health, along with easy to digest information on common health conditions.

accidents that can happen at home

In addition, these accidents are usually covered by insurance, especially if someone else gets hurt. Falls seem to cause the most household injuries, and stairs are common places people fall. Unfortunately, the kitchen is also not as safe as you might think, especially for people who love cooking and are using sharp knives. Child accidental death statistics clearly say that children under the age of 6 shouldn’t be left alone in the bathtub. 87 young children drown inside the home each year, and 80% of those cases happen in the bathrooms. On the other hand, it’s very rare for an adult to drown in the tub, but some cases do exist.

Most Common Household Injuries & Accidents

Often times if a young child falls, you can soothe them with kind words and hugs and kisses. However, if you notice that after a person falls they become drowsy, vomits, or loses consciousness, get medical attention right away. There could be something seriously wrong and it's best to get them checked out by a doctor. The American Academy of Pediatrics says that the best way to avoid gun-related accidents in the home is to remove all guns from the home. Parents that want to keep guns in their homes should leave all firearms locked up, unloaded, separated from ammunition, and stored in a place where children have no access to them.

In the winter, carbon monoxide poisoning can result from keeping gas grills or heaters inside, or because a gas furnace malfunctions. Adults frequently suffer cuts while shaving or cooking, though household repairs are also common instances. Children’s cuts often stem from everyday accidents, though exposure to dangerous utensils is common as well. When children start to move around on their own, there is an increased danger of them pulling objects down on top of themselves. Being conscious of your kids' health means making sure any trailing electrical leads, tablecloth edges and dish towels are out of reach in order to help prevent accidents happening. Most poisoning accidents involve medications, cleaning products, and cosmetics that we usually have in our homes.

Unattended flammable materials like fuel, paints, wood, and paints can cause fire accidents. Two of the most probable reasons could be debris and slippery surfaces. Debris could be in the form of paints, nails and screws, broken furniture pieces, or any such objects. Forgetting to clean up the floor after repair and renovation works can result in slip and fall. Not looking where you’re going or not listening to what’s around you is usually the case of a lot of accidents. Both on the road and in person, you need to always be aware of your surroundings so that you can avoid some pretty obvious dangers.

accidents that can happen at home

Sawalha meets families as they pick up the pieces and navigate the process of re-building their homes. The most common accidents at home can happen to anyone, and as much as we take every precaution in avoiding them, we can’t always prevent them. Slips, trips and falls are the most common accidents in the home. We also inform you that your personal data may be transferred and processed in and outside the country, by persons other than this company.

77% of accidental gun deaths happen at home

If using potentially hazardous chemicals, such as bleach, drain cleaner or paint thinner, read all the instructions, wear protective gear and store them out of reach of children. Children and teenagers are most at risk of household drowning incidents. According to Stanford, children can drown in as little as 1 inch of water. reports that around 87 children die every year from drowning at home. The Worldwide Health Organization says that 37.3 million falls occur each year that are severe enough to warrant medical attention. The same data shows that 646,000 people a year die from falls, and that the majority of those are aged 65 or older.

accidents that can happen at home

You cannot curb a toddler’s curiosity, and sometimes they end up swallowing tiny objects that could lead to choking. If you are unable to remove the object, call for help immediately. Presented by Nadia Sawalha, Accidents Can Happen follows what happens when disaster strikes a home – from floods and fires to crashes and explosions.

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